What does a typical quarter with Commotion look like?

Scroll down to see an outline of the average timeline for a quarter of strategy and video production. This might differ slightly depending on whether it's your 1st or 3rd quarter working with us.

Day 1

You hit go and pay month 1 as a deposit

Day 5 - 7

Strategy meeting 1

Day 10- 12

Strategy meeting 2

Strategy meeting

Day 15

Presentation of strategy

Day 17

Sign-off on strategy

Day 24-25

Video shoot

Video shoot

Video shoot

Day 32

Video and static assets finalised/signed off

Day 36

LinkedIn ad campaign set-up

Day 39

LinkedIn ad campaign Go live

Day 69

Report generated and catch up for 1st month of activity


Day 90

Report generated and catch up for 2nd month of activity. Quarter review and next steps for discussion

Interested in working with us?

Get in touch today, we’d be delighted to show you how we can use video strategy and production to help you win new business.